Would you like to perform an energy audit or, e.g. One of the numerous BAFA subsidies such as EBM, QST or SpaEfV? The energiesparbericht.de service is a tool which helps you to conduct energy audits and energetic inventories in factories. As a result, you receive a report in MS Word format (.doc). Through structured surveys, templates and calculation tools, you save a lot of time, avoid errors and quickly reach a high-quality energy report.
More than 1,200 companies and energy consultants have already recognized that there is no more efficient way to report, and use energiesparbericht.de regularly to produce high-quality, standards-compliant reports in the shortest possible time. Energiesparbericht.de is a unique tool that enables you to create high-quality reports for your energy audits and funding applications. The system produces a ready-made report including energy balances, Sankey diagrams, measures calculations and much more. To get an impression of the results, you should take a look at the publicly provided sample reports.
Please visit www.energiesparbericht.de